About Me

About Me


Hey there! My name is David, and I am a licensed trapper in North and South Carolina. To tell you a little about me I started out trapping coyotes as well as other furbearers some years ago. In 2018 I was lucky enough to catch 1 of 16 tagged coyotes in the state of South Carolina. That tag granted me a lifetime out of state hunting license. Being that I live in North Carolina on the border that was a good deal for me. I am one of those guys that has spent much of my life in the woods from the time I was a boy, until now. Spending so much time in the woods you learn two things well. Learn by observing and not acting, and patience. Observing animal behavior is a great teacher when it comes to being a successful trapper. I learned it helps you to read the signs of what happened before you got there. Having patience is the difference in catching that super smart boar or acting too quickly and educating him. I say that to say this. I love what I do. You’re going to want to have experience on your side when trying to catch these hogs. I just hope you give me the chance to show you. You won’t be disappointed!
