While I think it’s fair to say most of us love the outdoors and a good hog hunt. Whether you’re still hunting over corn or running hog dogs. However, with the amount of damage hogs do to farmlands each year are we actually adding to the problem by hunting and not trapping?
I personally have still hunted hogs and have close friends that use hog dogs. No matter if you were hunting over corn or using hog dogs the answer was always the same. YOU NEVER GET THEM ALL! There is always a few that escape no matter how many hogs you kill.
It is no secret and well documented that you must eradicate around 70% to 75% of the hog population each year just to keep the hog population at the same level. Having said that hunting hogs no matter if it’s with dogs or still hunting by far misses the target number of hog removals needed from year to year and allows hogs to live and reproduce another day.
In my opinion, if we truly want to get a hold on the hog population, we must consider trapping. What are you guys’ thoughts on controlling the hog population with Trapping vs Hunting?